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Consulting & Sales Services

Weiller & Associates is a CPG (Consumer Packaged Goods) service provider to regional and national food manufacturers. We offer 5 sets of services:

  1. Interview & hire broker partners with ongoing sales & broker management
  2. Attend major key national appointments on your behalf with broker partners
  3. Sales strategy development
  4. Email marketing services
  5. Digital marketing service

Our typical clientele ranges from small-to-mid size companies in the CPG space across the lower-48 states and Hawaii. These young companies, (typically $5Mil. – $20 Mil. in annual revenues), manufacture new, on-trend food or consumer products. However, they lack the knowledge | experience | bandwidth | staff | infrastructure to scale their offering nationally.

We are particularly pleased that nearly 50% of our clients have engaged with us multiple times during their lifecycles as their needs grow and evolve.

Our Process – The “secret sauce” to our success is our process, business approach, and our team members. The most important service we provide for our clients is to organize their information, so it is easy for sales teams to understand, access, and use to drive results.

  • Simplify – There are roughly 100 standard questions every salesperson needs to answer correctly in order to represent you properly. We extract these answers from clients at the very outset of our relationship.
  • Standardize – Next, we standardize the information and create effective sales tools for your direct and broker sales teams. Before publishing, each client approves the sales information to ensure the sales message is crisp, accurate and complete. We organize the sales materials the way our mutual customers want to see it.
  • Self-Serve – Once sales materials are gathered and approved, we upload it to your proprietary, custom sales portal so everyone relevant to your sales team will have access to all the info.

Business Approach – After we organize all your necessary sales materials, we work on your sales strategy. We help prioritize business opportunities, target accounts, and develop the sales plans to accomplish them. This approach helps bring clarity and focus on the “low hanging” fruit, while also making sure that we “land the big fish” over the long-term. Throughout the journey we strive to help you “simplify” and “standardize” the approach so the balance of the organization can also benefit from our tools (“self-serve.”) In the end, we help you free up more organizational time to think more strategically.

Our Team – We only hire highly competent, experienced professionals who are experts in their disciplines, and passionate for success. We’re proud to say our digital marketing team is headed up by the former marketing director at Macys, our VP/Sales was a senior executive at a large, national manufacture and a major regional broker, and our E-commerce/ CRM Director is a diligent innovator focusing largely on business efficiency, automation, and organization.

In virtually all areas of our work, we measure our results and provide you an ROI so we can jointly evaluate what is working or not.

Sales Strategy Development – Our experienced staff of CPG sales professionals assists clients with development of their national (or regional) sales strategy, including how to price the offering while prioritizing sales channel for expansion (Grocery, Natural, Mass, Club, Drug, Dollar, etc.). We help with preparing all your sales materials to include:

  • 1-Page sell sheets
  • Comprehensive sales decks
  • IRI/Nielsen share data for your categories
  • Unique points of difference of client proposition
  • Typical objections you may receive and how to answer them

Our fee for this service is typically a combination of retainer and commission, depending on the size and maturity of the business involved.

Sales Management | Broker Management – We offer clients both regional and national sales management most commonly through one of 3 national broker networks. Our broker partners are independent contractors, and are free to “decline” representation, but rarely do. Our 4 broker networks are organized as follows:

  1. Traditional grocery, mass, and Club
  2. Natural and specialty
  3. Convenience store
  4. Dollar store, drug trade

Custom Client Broker Portal – One way we differentiate ourselves in the CPG industry is that we help prepare and upload all sales materials for a client on a proprietary, custom portal to ensure the client’s broker network has full access to all their needed sales materials.

This portal helps maintain organization in the sales field as well as the broker network, to ensure everyone is free to focus on selling and bigger-picture opportunities. We charge a one-time portal set-up fee based on the scope of the work involved. Ongoing hosting and maintenance are generally included in the initial fee.

Email Marketing to Decision-Makers – Weiller & Associates has a rich database of nearly 100,000 industry decision-makers that are easily reachable via email to solicit immediate feedback on any number of things, including:

  • New product announcements
  • Opportunistic offers or regional offers only
  • Discontinued or distressed opportunities
  • C-store decision-makers only
  • And more

You receive a comprehensive report including how many people were reached, how many opened or forwarded the email, etc., for each email blast. Our approach allows you to quickly validate if the initiative is sustainable or not, and how best to proceed.

The fees for this service include a one-time setup fee and pay-per-email blast thereafter.